Wednesday 1 May 2013

30th April 2013

Well another month has gone by and overall it has been a poor month for me. It had it's high's but the back end of the month I did not do as well.

The April figures are:-

Football :- Profit £18.99 (18.9%)
Tennis:- Lost £9.53 (8%)

So overall for the month I made a profit of 9.52, but that is not good enough.

I lost a bit on the tennis, mainly due to missing opportunities, by only trading weekend matches and then trying to force them. However, I made some in the football.

The football season is almost at an end, and I do worry that the summer months will dry up. I am off when the tennis french open is on, and I am hoping to make the tennis pay. Fingers crossed.

So my bank now stands at £228.87   

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mate,

    As a protrader myself ( I actually love the summer months, we have some great leagues going on through the summer and they offer some good ways of making money, I mean the MLS is like sunday league football at times with the amount of goals scored!
